How does a national Perspectives on the World Christian Movement® program develop?
The Perspectives Global Service Office (PGSO) oversees the Perspectives Global Network, serving and supporting existing national programs, evaluating the potential for additional programs and languages, and assisting in the launch of new national programs. When enough national programs mature in a region or continent, a Regional Leadership structure is established to assume most of the duties of the PGSO. Currently there are two regions with Regional Leadership: Asia and Latin America. Some of the more mature programs may also serve as Anchor Countries to assist nearby countries in program start-up activities. A Global Leaders Council meets quarterly to evaluate and make decisions that pertain to the entire Network.
Phase One: Investigate
Interested parties contact the PGSO, learn basics about Perspectives Global, and begin identifying leaders for the formation of a Startup Team.
Phase Two: Initiate
Startup Team and PGSO or Regional Leadership co-sponsor startup events, which include an Introducing Perspectives event, modeling an Intensive class and training the first generation of coordinators and instructors. The Startup Team is trained to run essential components of program development.
Phase Three: Equip
The Startup Team makes a 3-year plan and begins coordinating classes and training coordinators and instructors, drawing on the experience of the PGSO and other national programs. A national service structure is created or identified. The PGSO and/or Regional Leadership continue supportive involvement.
Phase Four: Expand
The program has a national leader and team, service structure and is fully capable of training coordinators and instructors. They are reproducing effective classes, growing, and are financially self-sustaining. The PGSO and/or Regional Leadership serves as needed. A program at this stage is identified as an Established Program, able to coach and mentor Emerging Programs.