The Perspectives Global Network is served by a National Team overseeing Perspectives courses within their country. The National Team plans national program development, manages finances, trains class coordinators and instructors, and represents Perspectives in their nation.

A Global Leaders Council, comprised of regional leaders from Asia, Africa, the Americas, and the Perspectives Global Service Office, meet regularly to pray, plan, make and implement decisions impacting the global movement. Regional Leaders oversee national programs in their region, mentoring and encouraging existing programs and asisting new program startup

The Perspectives Global Service Office (PGSO) is a small team of seasoned individuals dedicated to serving the Perspectives Global Network. The PGSO partners with global leaders in forming policy and strategy, assists in the launch of new national programs through modeling and training, conducts targeted fundraising for global development, provides regional and global gatherings, and operates as a network and communication hub. The Perspectives Global Service Office is a ministry of Frontier Ventures.

Perspectives Global Network

Global Leadership Team


Every national Perspectives program is to exhibit these three qualities:

Supporting and serving local movements with servant leadership and intentional partnership.

Locally Led.

Respecting diverse traditions and aspiring to strong collaborative partnerships, while affirming a few key essentials.

Wide Partnership.

Effectively using the global curriculum, while finding appropriate cultural adaptations consistent with the theological and missiological content of the course.

Curricular Continuity.

Perspectives Global Service Office

PSP Global Director

Bruce Koch

Shannon McCoy

Executive Administrative Assistant

Yvonne W. Huneycutt

Communications Director

Sundee Simmons

Associate Director

Steven C. Hawthorne

Curriculum Specialist

Kenneth and Glynis Kintsel

Program Development Consultants

Frédéric Mondin

French Team Co-Leader

Julie McElfish

French Team Co-Leader