To be accessible to the large language populations of Canada, Perspectives is offered in English, Cantonese, Mandarin, and French.
Canada is a diverse multi-cultural nation affording Christians contact with numerous unreached people groups. Perspectives is opening eyes to the “nations” within and the “nations” without.
Social Media: Facebook
Chinese Website: Perspectives Chinese in Canada
The Perspectives curriculum came to Canada early, being offered as a college course at Regent College in British Columbia in the early 1980s, under the auspices of the U.S. Center for World Mission (now Frontier Ventures). Perspectives courses for the community began to be offered in the early 1990s, in British Columbia, Ontario, and Manitoba. The course has spread to seven of the ten provinces of Canada.
“On my first day in Perspectives, I was told that this class will literally change your perspective, and while cheesy and cliche, I can wholeheartedly attest to the accuracy of this statement. This class truly can reshape your perspective on God, on His work around the world, and what our role and involvement should look like - but only if we allow it to.”
--Perspectives student
“There is no course like Perspectives that has proven to biblically transform the Christian’s worldview and commitment to God’s mission locally and globally. It is my passion that every Christian enrolls in it.”
-- Dr. T.V. Thomas, Director, Centre for Evangelism and World Mission