The Perspectives course was launched in Ethiopia in 2009. What happened next has been exciting. First, this led to the birthing of a national mobilization ministry. Over the past decade the concept of mission mobilization has really taken off in Ethiopia.
The Perspectives course launch led directly to the translation and launch of four other mobilization courses in the national language. More recently a national mobilization network was created made of mission leaders from several denominations and ministries. This team has held two national mobilization consultations as well as an East Africa regional mission mobilization event. Now this movement is directly leading to the birth of mission sending structures in Ethiopia.
Contact: Kirubel Gobena Tariku Gebre
“I took the Perspectives class for the first time 20 years ago and it changed my life. I started to read my Bible with a different lens and began investing my life in the task of the Kingdom. Out of this class the Horn of Africa Mission was birthed and today God is using this ministry to plant thousands of churches in seven countries of the Horn of Africa. This class will change you!”
-- Dr. Markos Zemede, Founder, Horn of Africa Mission