The Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course began in 1974 on Wheaton Bible College campus. Almost 50 years later, the course has mobilized Christians in hundreds of cities and thousands of churches and schools in every region of the United States. Tens of thousands of USA Perspectives alumni have answered the call of God to go to the nations. For every one that left home, multiples more stayed behind to send them, mobilize their churches, and reach internationals in their midst.
Without a doubt, Perspectives has influenced the mission sending of the American church and the reduction of the numbers of unreached people groups since its small beginnings in 1974.
“Perspectives makes my job easier with Elders and Executive Pastors who are able to articulate what it is like to live on mission.”
— Rev. Ray Washington, Lead Pastor, East Lake Community Church, Columbia, South Carolina
Contact: A Real Person
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“Perspectives has reoriented my view of what my life should be about. In His mission, I have finally found a purpose that has real meaning. With the many distractions and comforts our Western culture provides, it is far easier to drift from our true purpose in Him. Every Christian should take this course."
— Perspectives Student